What you need:
1 tbsp unflavored collagen/gelatin
1/2 tbsp raw honey (local is best)
1-3 packets of Mightypro
1/4 cup NingXia Wolfberry syrup (optional)
1/2 cups Ningixa red (a powerful antioxidant drink)
20-50 drops orange vitality or Slique essential oil (or any citrus essential oil - it's packed with d limonene - google those benefits)
silicone molds (I buy mine on amazon) Ningxia, vitality oils, and probiotics are things we consume regularly for their health benefits. Gummies are just a way to make them more fun!
Why these ingredients are great for your health:
Collagen - a complex protein that soothes the gut lining, repairing cell walls. It contains 19 different amino acids. It promotes elasticity in the skin and more:
proline - supports healthy blood vessels and joint health
glycine - promotes healthy cell function & DNA repair
glutamine - help promote better sleep, reduce stress, energy, and immune support
arginine - improves circulation and supports the immune system
Raw honey
a great source of antioxidants
has antibacterial and anti-fungal properties
combats seasonal allergies
Buy from a BeeKeeper friend do NOT buy from a store.
repairs the gut lining
replenishes the gut with healthy gut flora (80% of our immune system is made up in the gut)
aids in digestion
Healthy gut= healthy mind
NingXia Red
contains amino acids for cellular repair
high in antioxidants
contains B vitamin complex, vitamin E
reduces oxidative stress
# protector against free radicals
helps to stabilize blood sugar
Lycium Barbarum Polysaccharide- helps rebuild white blood cell count
promotes eye health and visual acuity - contains beta-carotene and zeaxanthin in perfect proportion as nature intended therefore perfect food for the eyes! The Ningxia Wolfberry has the highest source of carotenoids in all known foods
Bring NingxiaWolfberry syrup & honey to a pre-simmer.
If it begins to bubble, remove from heat
Whisk in collagen/gelatin
Stir in Ningixa Red, Zinc Picolinate and Mightypro -> whisk
Use a pipette to add your mixtures to your gummy mold.
Refrigerate for 10-15 mins, remove and put into a mason jar.
Serving size: 1-3
Makes: 50 gummies
Now, you’ve got your gut supporting, immune boosting, delicious gummies that your whole family will love.
Not all oils & oil infused products are created equal. Found out why!