Recommended Resources

EXTRAS for your Wellness Journey! 

Our Online Community
On the free app you'll find more in depth wellness information and discussions not available on social media platforms.  This is specific to our oily community!

Weekly zoom classes!  
In-person events 
DIY Classes
You Host, I'll Teach

Oil Testimonials Site
An exceptional site loaded with thousands of real life stories by people all over the world!!
Click below and create a free account and search ANYTHING!
Mini Classes
'Read Through'
This is just the tip of the iceberg of what's available!!
Life Steps App

I am SOOOOO excited this is finally available to everyone! The creators of this app have made it available to everyone with an active YL account.  Hundreds of videos educating you on the uses of oils and supplements.  Book recommendations and more!
Completely FREE! 
There is a 'pro' version  for those interested in building a Young Living business this is the BEST resource and worth 10x's the cost.  Enjoy!

Monthly Newsletter

All the important details for the month! Team give-back drawings, Company updates, classes, events, and freebies! 

The Lavender Life

  • Recipes
  • DIY
  • Oil Education
  • FARM Details
  • So much more! 

A Few Of My FAVORITE Books

Gentle Babies Book

Anything and everything you need to know from prepping your body for pregnancy. conceiving, carrying, delivery on through to what to do for what once that baby arrives! 

All the FUN YL Swag!!!
Shirts, hats, oil accessories, bags, gifts and more!
 As of 4/9/22 YL gear will be featured and able to purchase under ‘Accessories’ 

Roll-On Tops

Easily make your bottles -> roller bottles!  Found @:
  • Roller Fitments @ Young Living 
  • Whimsey & Wellness
  • Amazon 
  • Etsy

Ok so you're loving your oils, supplements, personal care product, CBD etc right?

Well YOUR friends & family need and can benefit from oils, top quality supplements along with (truly) toxin free options too. 

Just so happens YL loves and appreciates your voice and willingness to share your love of YL so they will give you a referral check for helping others get started.  

To learn more about this awesome opportunity click below! 

As you may already know, not all oils are created equal.