Thieves Cleaner VS Raw Chicken and Toilets 
This is Tasha ... she does an great job demonstrating how amazing Thieves Cleaner works!
Best part... if you have kids they can clean because it's NOT TOXIC... start them young!
If you kids are 'furbabies'.. they won't clean but it's also non-toxic for them too! 

Petri Dish Test
These dishes were swabbed with a q-tip full of toilet bacteria (from the rim)
We all want to live clean, but cleaning with chemicals clogs our system detrimentally.  Burning lungs and eyes... that's a sign of chemical damage, the human body is amazing but can only repair so much.  
Imagine cleaning with a cleaner that's safe for your pets, kids and yourself? 
Click the button to see my favorite items how to begin to detox you home from the typical chemicals 
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My Services
  • Massage Therapy
  • Wellness Consultation
  • Lymphatic Drainage
  • Raindrop Therapy
  • Live Blood Analysis

What is a Wellness Coach?
I like to understand my client's lifestyle and make custom recommendations that may improve their well-being and overall enjoyment of life.

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