How To Use YL Oils
It's not always self explanatory so here's a visual for you!
Essential oils improve the bioavailability of nutrients to the body's cells and tissues.
The many ways to use oils internally:
  • Adding to your smoothie, water or NingXia Red
  • Adding a drop to a spoonful of honey 
  • A drop under the tongue (do with carrier oil handy in case it's too strong)
  • Add to an empty capsule  
Essential oils are incorporated in almost every single product Young Living offers.
  • Targeted Nutritional supplements
  • Personal care items (shampoo, body wash, facial wash & creams, baby care products etc.)
  • Hormonal balance products
  • Makeup



this is a favorite for most, it penetrates the air, uplifts moods, effects everyone in the home, office etc.  Imagine diffusing JOY in the office or peace & calming in the home all day, the effects it would have on people you know?!  Or what about something to inspire motivation? Despite the emotional benefits, oils also act to diffuse germs and bolster our immune systems, yes,  just  by inhaling the oil droplets! 

Either with a roller bottle or dripper top'
The most important thing to remember is that when applying oils they are very concentrated and some are 'hot' to our tissues.  it's always best to apply diluted for the first time (this means use a carrier oil (coconut, olive, almond etc) with the essential oil.  Generally using a 2:1 ratio is perfect.  Cinnamon is more of a 5:1 ratio.  Once you know your favorites and what you're wanting to use them for and how they feel on your skin.. you can apply to most areas of your body (never the eyes or directly in the ears).  Pure Oils have an incredible benefit to the body, effecting all organs, body systems and even the emotions.  
A Few Suggested Applications:

Crown of the Head 

There are so many amazing oils that significantly impact the health of the brain and nervous system. Keep in mind the nervous system controls your entire body, we want this functioning perfectly! 
Also note the crown of your head is the center symbolizes the connection between your physical self and your higher self.  When applying oils to your crown you greatly enhance this connection as well as stimulating serenity, joy & bring about a deep peach about life.
Great Oils to Choose from a a few of my favorites!
  • Frankincense
  • Joy
  • Grounding
  • Highest Potential
  • White Angelica
  • Cedarwood
  • Peppermint

Inhale Directly

This can be done by applying oils directly to your hands and inhaling from your hands or by uncapping the bottle and directly inhaling from the cap or bottle.  
This can be very very effective yet very strong.  I highly recommend you begin by holding the bottle or cap at your naval and slowly swirling the bottle up as you raise your hand.  
An excellent application when a fast and strong one is desired.

These are some of my favorites.
  • Eucalyptus
  • Peppermint
  • Motivation
  • whatever oil I need in the moment

VitaFlex Points

A technique developed by the Tibetans thousands of years before acupuncture. Its literally meaning is "vitality through the reflexes". The fascinating theory is that slight pressure applied to the body creates an electric charge that is therapeutic to the body.

Home & Body

There are hundreds of thousands of reasons to use oils in our home.  The most basic reason is that it eliminates the toxins that are killing your cells and damaging our bodies day in and day out.  The provide the power we need to get the cleaning job done and they also provide any aroma you choose.  
There are hundreds of thousand of toxins banned in other countries still allowed in our body and cleaning products.  These cause mutations, cancers and cell damage.  You don't need those right?
So while you're using the oils to make your home smell amazing or your lotion and ace wash smell beautiful you're also healing your body at the cellular level!  Reducing wrinkles, improving your breathing function, the strength of your hair and nails, benefiting not destroying your hormonal system... .