6 years ago I met a woman while I was waitressing and throughout us chatting, she asked if I had heard of Young Living Essential Oils, I had not, and did not inquire any further. She ended up mentioning some graphic design work she was in need of and I just so happen to do graphic design so a week later she came to my house. We discussed design ideas for a company I had never heard of, about something I did not believe in. We came up with a design, and although she could tell I was skeptical, she left a bottle of Lavender Essential Oil on my counter when she left. She said “just in case your little one gets a bump or boo boo, put a drop of that on it and you’ll see the power!” I didn’t think about that oil until a couple days later when my daughter Kay fell off a chair, hit the side of her face, and it started turning black and blue immediately Welp. Because I’m a smart-ass, I took a pic of Kay’s face to document “before and after the Lavender” because it was all 'BS', and I knew it wouldn’t do anything. I dabbed a drop down the side of Kay’s face. The next morning, the black and blue color was BARELY there. WHAT the ACTUAL!!!? I’m big on research, and facts, and science, so I started digging in to find HOW that happened, and figure out what else I did not know!!! Needless to say, YL Lavender was my “gateway oil”, and that was when I started to fall in love with the Oils, the Healing and Science behind them, and Young Living as a company!!! Research continued; I couldn't believe the products sold at common stores are so harmful to our health, and very few asked questions, myself included. The friends I’ve made, and what my family and I have experienced with the Oils and non-toxic products since then has been life. changing. Literally Since then, I have been sharing with everyone who is open to a natural way of addressing health challenges that improves our health instead of harms it (we didn't learn about this in school.), as well as sharing about the business and Financial possibilities being a Brand Partner with YL (also not taught in school)!