Jolene Burger
Inner Transformations
Book Club

Starting 10/6. Wednesdays at 8pm
 30 min recorded (Q&A Not recorded)

This book is an excellent resource for anyone that wants to take their health and wellness to the next level.  To truly understand what our bodies need and why they need it.  It seamlessly pairs your favorite wellness products with the needs of your body to heal, nourish, tackle issues, and support immunity!

Need to purchase the book?
Click here to join the zoom each week on 
Wednesday at 8pm
How do you doo??!!

Did you know your bm's can really help to let you know how your system is doing?

Book Club Group Chat via Messenger
(Ask Jolene or Grace to be added)

Stay connected & Ask questions! 

Jolene Burger
Gold Leader
I started this journey as a newly licensed massage therapist, 20 yrs old with no kids. I began learning the dangers of toxic chemicals that were in almost everything I used. But my ah-ha moments came when I began to see mini miracles in my practice. I discovered that by using the oils in my massage practice the effects of my treatments lasted longer for my clients! They were thrilled, I was thrilled, it was a win-win! Naturally my massage practice exploded! However, the real 'in my face' miracle was a few years later when my young daughter was having some real serious issues. I took her to the ER where they prescribed antibiotics. We could’t get them because the pharmacy was closed by the time we got out. So when we got home I did an oil application on her and the results were miraculous. I was absolutely stunned, she made a complete turn around before the pharmacy even opened! It was an absolute miracle! Over the last 20 years I’ve seen these miracles day after day month after month with my clients, family and friends. As our community grew, I realized YL wasn't just high quality, health supporting products. It was family, friendships, community and income. I’ve made it my mission to help people who are searching for similar results. Some are looking for natural solutions to their health issues, others are searching for alternate sources of income with a solid trust worthy company, some are searching for both.


Grace & Mike Flannery
Silver & Gold Leaders
As all of you know life continues to change daily and we all go have phases during our journey. Grace and I have been blessed with our time together as we have watched our children mature, and have helped them with their journeys and now also have the next generation our Grandchildren to encourage and nurture. We have three grown children and six grandchildren. In 2014, we were introduced to a product to replace the candles I burned daily.  To be honest, we were skeptical at first and thought it was a fad.   We believed we were helping our niece with her blooming business.  We also believed we were creating a healthier environment in our home. Little did we know it would change our life when Mike had a cardiac event. We had that chance to pause, reflect and start the next phase of our Life’s journey.  We turned to a company we trusted who also made products we could use to support heart health and emotional well-being! Although during our lives we had always been active and strived to eat healthy this new phase allowed us to review our past, refine our lifestyle goals and to actually find some amazing options to improve our overall wellness in a more natural and organic way. Those products helped us to detox our home and support our bodies so as to maximize our ability to stay  above the wellness line! Our lives have changed dramatically! What has actually occurred is that it has allowed us to have a fun filled home-based business with the freedom to be able to travel and to complete work from anywhere.  By simply sharing what we have learned and love we are able to continue to have the opportunities to help others who need assistance and/or would like to improve their own wellness path and financial freedom! We are on a mission to empower a lot of people with the resources we have worked hard to gather.

Information courtesy of Jolene Burger