Being healthy is a day to day choice. We get to, not have to, make the choices that fuel our body every day.
Ask yourself often, do I want to age with strength or weakness?
Make no mistake, our daily choices point to one direction or the other.
Here are my top 5 Tips To Impact Your Next 6 Months And Beyond!
Everyone needs, vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It’s a basic human fact, we need to eat. What’s optional is to consume for function rather than emotion. When we eat to survive we’re focusing on foods that provide nourishment, foods that build our bodies not tear them down like sugars, processed foods and drinks. A few of my basic suggestions are as follows; focus on simple foods such as whole and raw fruits & veggies as well as simply prepared proteins. If you consume animal products, choose pasture raised and/or organic. I’ve lived both vegan and vegetarian, but currently in my family for protein; we consume venison, eggs, chicken, buffalo, tofu and protein powders. We buy as much non gmo, organic as possible and get farm fresh eggs from my friend when her hens are laying! So what do I mean by simply prepared meat? I mean, as few sauces and additives as possible. Marinades are great as long as they’re made with fresh herbs and oils. We marinate in Italian dressing and grill it, and eat our venison burgers with minimal ketchup and avoiding excess toppings (mayos, cheese, special sauces etc). Keep it simple your digestive system works better this way!
Let me clarify. When I say water, I mean you’re counting true pure, clean not bubbly or artificially flavored water. Just good ole’ (preferably filtered) H20! We are 60% water, we need water for our organs to function properly, such as take in food and digest it. When we’re dehydrated our blood thickens and the nutrition and chemical messengers don’t deliver to the needed organs and areas of our bodies, so we need water to transport our blood! We need water to eliminate waste. Imagine never taking out your garbage ? Yup gross. We need to eliminate daily. So How much do we need? Ideally you should be drinking half your body weight in oz per day. ____lbs / 2 = ____oz of water per day to drink. Ex) 150lbs / 2= 75oz water /day. Once you’re there add a glass a day until you’ve equaled your body weight. Chances are your weight will drop before you reach your original weight in water. Bonus! You’ll also find you joints feel better, your muscles less stiff, you skin more hydrated and more! When I said don’t drink artificially flavored water, what I didn’t mean was you can’t add Essential Oils. Quality matters, friends. Not all oils are equal, most aren’t even distilled to injest. The oils I’ve been ingesting for 2 decades have added to my health and my ability to consume more water, because of the flavors! Here’s more on my favorite oils to add to my water! *******
- What we focus on, we receive more of so why not choose to focus on things that bring joy. At any moment in time you can choose to see light or dark, glass half full or half empty. Choosing to be happy (or find happy things to focus on) is your greatest gift. This is a deep subject, but simply put does it feel better to be happy or irritated? Overall do you want to feel good or bad? What we think creates emotions, and yet we have the power to choose our thoughts about the subjects at present. Every thought produces an emotional response. The emotion, ripples out from us, effecting our family, friends, co workers, the person next to us in a store we don’t know etc. How we respond affects so much more than who we are and what we experience. Finding the joy in everyday things, despite the situation will produce happy hormones (dopamine) which signals joy and good feelings in our body. The opposite produces stress hormones which in a nut shell deteriorate our body. It’s so much easier to pivot and find something to focus on the brings you joy. The art of pivoting.
This might seem simple enough but most people aren’t doing enough of it. Moving 15 minutes a day can increase your oxygen levels bringing more alertness to your day and a deeper sleep to your nights! Increasing to simply 30 minutes a day of movement will deepen those effects. I always suggest pairing movement with stretches before and after to support your tendons, ligaments and muscles! Pop on something wonderful you love to listen to that ‘brings your joy’ and you’ll begin burning 100-200 calories per day, benefits also include burning visceral fat, reducing cholesterol and dropping blood pressure. There are other great benefits to walking including a form of distressing and strengthening your legs, core and glutes
The chemicals in your home are creating disastrous outcomes for your health, silently. Although not always, many report headaches, eye/ esophagus burning (while cleaning), rashes and more. All of which and more ( for example: cancer) are directly linked to everyday cleaners (these are toxic). If your bottle says poison control and you shouldn’t drink it, should you be inhaling it? The answer is no. Sadly our society has us growling up trusting the forces that be to protect us as consumers, but we are not their top priority. Big businesses with big purses are. Companies are protected by the ‘Trade Secret Act; which is a law that grandfathers them in to not disclosing the chemicals they use under the guise of ‘trade secrets’ Do you think carcinogenic ingredients belong in your cleaner, shampoo, laundry soap (that stays in the fibers and touches your skin 24/7)? I’m sure you don’t. This is again another huge topic and very deep rabbit hole. This was one of the first changes I made for myself as a young adult. Here’s some more information on what I use, thats clean and from a company that honors transparency.
I hope you begin to add some of these tips into your day to day life. life is short, 6 months will come and go and you could do nothing and feel the same or worse or you could make 5 small changes and see huge shifts in your day to day life over the next 6 months and beyond!
What will you implement first?


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