Last Sunday I decided to start the 14 Day reset early so I'd have something personal to share with you about it. 

Don't get me wrong, I know it works there are thousands of people who've gone through this 14 Day Reset with remarkable results and of course they've been happy to share!   

I did a very similar program where it involved similar concepts but was slightly different.  In that first program, I not only felt better, lost a few inches but most profound for me was that it eliminated my sugar addiction.  And I don't use that word lightly. 

So, I'm about a week in, what happened on day 2 was an incredible miracle and it's lasted! 
Sure, I'd love to loose some of my extra fluff but this result was so much better! 

Let me back up a little bit.  I have been dealing with some deep muscular pain on and off for 8 years.  It would come and go but over the last few years it's been constant.  
I'd feel tight searing pain standing up after simply sitting on the couch, criss cross, or in the car for 30+ minutes. Not only was it painful, my hips would lock up and it would take a few minutes to stand up straight.  
I was having trouble sleeping (we actually just bought a new bed because of it).  Turning in my sleep was excruciating and there were times I could find no comfortable position.   Walking my dog for 30 min would cause so much pain and my hips would be so tired!

Because of that, I decided to add the aminowise to support what felt was chronic overworked muscles... like I ran a marathon and never recovered.  So I decided to add just 1 regular dose spread throughout the day with my NingXia... 

Here's my little miracle story:
I started making a drink with the NingXia and aminowise twice a day.  (It's delicious too.) I didn't' think much of it other than would I lose a few more inches? puffiness? Maybe I'd sleep better! I was thinking I'd get results similar results as the image on the right.  

I woke up on the second day realizing I didn't hurt through the night!  I spent the morning just marveling in amazement at how nice my hips felt.  Not stiff, not tight, barely in pain. 
I had made roughly a 75% improvement almost overnight!

The next day, the same thing!  

Fast forward 2 days... I drove to Philly (4+ hr drive) and then sat in a hotel conference chair for 8 hrs (for 4 days total!) With of course another 4 hr. drive!

Each day I was continuously amazed at how incredible I felt and even slept! 

Considering I was sleeping in a hotel bed, the 20 min drive each day and all that sitting!!  

I can't begin to tell you how disappointed I am that I didn't think to do this before! The reset has been a program for over a year... and I'm just now trying it! 
Better late than never and all I want to ask to you is.. what do you have lose? 
Join us in our next Reset! 
Here are a few more stories of how this reset has been changing peoples lives! 

As I write this I'm 9 days in and so excited to see what other changes I see! I'll be continuing to do this Even though I eat pretty healthy, I could always stand to improve and replenish my system! So be sure to check back to see what happens! 

So are you asking why does it work? Or are you just ready to get started?!! 
The button below is a direct link to what you need to get started including the aminowise. 

If you're curious to know why it works, below are some references ! 
NingXia Red Information Here you can learn more about how Ningxia Red supports your whole system with nutrition your body needs! 

14 Day Reset Info Here you'll get a sneak peek to all the amazing things about this program, testimonies and a glimpse of the support you'll receive through the process!  
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