Down and out about 2020?
You're Not Alone
Some have greatly enjoyed the extra $$ Covid unemployment has offered and are depressed about returning to work.
Many lost so much more than unemployment will ever cover.
Some have enjoyed the extra family time... and many have not.
Some have appreciated solitude and quiet and many have slipped into darkness.
Countless lost loved ones. As an empath... my heart goes out to everyone.
You're Situation Is Unique To You
Whatever is going on for you, doesn't have to stay that way. Hearts can heal. Bank accounts can regrow. New businesses ventures can develop. Bodies can heal. Families can regroup. Ultimately your level of happiness can be lifted.
The body is a combination of powerful organs capable of healing and oils are an extraordinary asset.
They reach the deepest areas of our body and assist in ways healers dream of. They work in ways that may never fully be understood or accepted by modern medicine Let us not let that stop us from accessing their gifts.
Sequiterpenese carry oxygen molecules to aid the brain and other tissues. They have been studied at Berlin and Vienna universities, where it was determined that breathing sesqueterpine oils increases blood brain oxygen.
Our brains are incredible: controlling the core of who we are, our emotional, mental and physical center. When we lose one of these aspects or have a dip in health, our vitality is shifted.
Have you ever lost mobility, due to injury or illness? Have you ever gone into a mild or deep depression? If so you know the shifts in your emotional center effect your thoughts and usually actions.
Priceless Assets
Essential oils and their amazing health benefits are priceless assets from the plant kingdom. I will forever be grateful for what they've done for me in my darkest hours. Pulling me from emotional, physical and mental holes to empowering me by strengthening my core systems.
They've proved to help my family in countless ways over the years and I will never be without them.
Of all the wellness tools; essential oils are hands down the easiest tool to use, travel with and share with loved ones!
Simply: open, inhale and/or apply to your wrists.
Are you intrigued and ready to learn more, check out my free FB group "Wellness Made Simple" where we talk about all of this and more!

Emotionally Uplifting Spritzer

- 1/2 oz organic witch hazel or vodka
- 1 oz water
- 10 drops Lemon essential oil
- 10 dr. Joy essential oil
Combine into a glass spray bottle and shake well.
Spray everywhere!

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